Lancaster Archery Foundation Helps Washington Group that Uses Archery to Teach Kids How to Learn in the Outdoors

The Lancaster Archery Foundation awarded a grant to a Washington organization that uses archery as part of an outdoors instructional program aimed at teaching kids how to learn.

Glacier Peak Archery received $965 from the foundation to buy new bows and more archery gear to increase its capacity for students.

“Archery is one of our most popular activities, and with our current limited supplies, youth have to share equipment and may only get to shoot a few arrows during a given program depending on attendance numbers,” Glacier Peak organizers wrote on their grant application.

Glacier Peak hops to buy several NASP bows, as well as arrows and related equipment with help from the Lancaster Archery Foundation grant.

Glacier Peak is western Washington group that “engages rural youth with their environment through outdoor adventures, hands-on projects and cultural exchanges,” the organization’s website states.

“Our students are encouraged to think creatively and live sustainably as they take ownership of environmental projects and the opportunity to impact their community.”

As founder of the Lancaster Archery Academy, in addition to being president of the Lancaster Archery Foundation Board of Directors, Rob Kaufhold is fully aware of the value of using archery to teach a variety of other life lessons and skills.

“The opportunity to teach kids about so many other things in life – focus, commitment, perseverance, and on and on – through archery is nearly endless,” Kaufhold said. “We are happy to be able to help Glacier Peak bring even more kids into its educational programs.”

Based in Lancaster, Pa., the Lancaster Archery Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to expand, develop and promote 3D and target archery to help people improve their confidence, discipline and leadership skills through participation in competitive archery.

For more information on how you can donate to help organizations like Glacier Peak, visit


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